Exclusive Office of the Deputy Commissioner for Maritime Affairs of the International Ships Registry of Gabon

Our Commitment
Our growing agents’ network ensures that our servicing pattern is both quick and efficient while our qualitative services are delivered timely and effectively thus assisting our international clientele meet their demanding operational needs in various market areas, round the clock.
We offer
Our dexterities embrace the below offerings:
- Consultancy Services for optimum organization of Maritime Activities
- Ship registration activities (full range) & STCW 2010 services
- Technical consultations (advice / services)
- Timely and cost efficient service
A Message from the President
Evangelos Oikonomou
General Manager
of Intershipping Services PC – GREECE
Dear Friends & Cooperators,
With reference to the subjected issue, we are pleased to advise your good selves as follows:
1. As from March 2019, the International Ships Register of the State of Gabon, has
started its operation by rendering its services worldwide.
2. The establishment of the Register has been concluded on the high official level and it is based on the relative Presidential Decree and to the appropriate Ministerial Decisions issued towards the implementation of the mentioned Presidential Decree.
3. The basic target of the International Ships Register of Gabon, is to avail to the Shipping Community, the possibility of choice of a high level Registry at a very competitive fee table, simultaneously with qualified, quick and efficient service.
4. The operation of the Ship Register has been entrusted by the Ministry of Transport and
Maritime Affairs – exclusively – to the entity named:
located in
Dubai, U.A.E. | Piraeus, Greece and | Mumbai, India
5. The “Intershipping Services – Greece” is dully nominated and authorized as the
Exclusive Office of the Deputy Commissioner for Maritime Affairs of the International
Ships Register of Gabon for the areas of the Continents of
America | Europe | Africa
and the Countries of
Ukraine | Lebanon | Syria | Jordan
Dear Friends, on the basis of all the above information, we would be very pleased to welcome you in the International Ships Register of Gabon, confirming our top attention to your inquiries, as appropriate.